Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Manic Monday

Happy Monday fellow bloggers. Did you survive the day? I did and I sure do hate Monday's. But, now that the day is almost over a feeling of calmness is settling in.

Over the weekend I got some stitching done that I hope to make into a xmas gift. It is from La-D-Da called "Bushel & a Peck". I am doing it on 28 count "Foglifter". This saying is one that my mom's favorites and I am trying to think of a neat way to finish it off when I am done. I would like to somehow incorporate it with a shadow box frame with a couple of old family photos or maybe even put it into a covered photo album. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know. I hope to have the stitching done this week so that I have enough time to get it finished.

Gosh, I am trying to get better at blogging and sometimes I need to hide away from everyone so that I can think about what to blog. Well, look at this. Josie doesn't seem to want to obey my wishes. It is amazing how quickly dogs learn to open doors.

I cannot complain, she had a very rough week last week. We had to take her to Purdue Vet school for tests. She was a good dog and seemed to have enjoyed getting extra playtime in with everyone there. Bad part, they played with her late into the night and the next night when we got her home she decided that playing at 3am was fun.

Since she had to have a test done which means removing some of her fur they did give her a really pretty bandanna to wear for the holiday to cover up her missing fur. I think she likes it. I know I do.

Well, stay tuned for more updates. My fans are complaining again that I am not keeping up with my postings so I plan to hit this again as soon as I can.


Paisley said...

Your La-D-Da piece is looking great!

Lelia said...

Josie looks sweet with the new scarf : ) Luv your latest La D Da -- Bushel & a Peck

Enjoy your week-end : )