My kitchen is all done in Sunflowers, so I will be adding this sunflower pattern to my collection and maybe to my blog. I cannot believe that this design is back from 1994. I think it is fun to find older patterns that still can get you excited to stitch.
My other favorite type of designs is Halloween. So, when I saw this one I just couldn't pass it up.

I have been working on a project that I am not sure I can share at this time. I was lucky to take a class recently from Shepherd's Bush and I have been making myself work hard at getting this class project done. You can look at their blog to see their pictures from the class. Anytime you can take a class from Tina and Terry do it. It is so much fun and their projects are wonderful.
Well, I am going to sign off and run to the couch so I can get at least an hour of stitching in before calling it a night. Time is flying by just way to fast for me. Can you believe that we are halfway into April. Where is the warm weather?????
Goodnight stitching buddies where ever you are.