This past weekend I spent a wonderful weekend away in Shipshewana Indiana at a retreat by "Inspired Needle". It is a wonderful weekend of lots of stitching and shopping. The weather was great and the decorations around the hotel were amazing. Here are some gourds that were outside of the entrance.
If you want to see more pictures from the retreat take a look at Laura's blog:
She did a great job of walking around and capturing what everyone was working on. I was late getting to the retreat on Friday and missed out on the ornament exchange. No problem. I loved what I made and now this is mine......
We got time on Saturday to do a bit of shopping around town. I happened to be in a home store and ran across an item that I thought would make a great holder for my stitching patterns and look nice sitting on my end table. I think it is a recipe or photo holder.
Here is what it looks like holding my pattern.
On Friday night I worked on Prairie Moon Pattern that I have been progressing on. Well, now I am busy removing all of the stitches I put in last week while watching Grey's Anatomy. UGH.....
I did start a new project over the weekend. I am glad I purchased a new light that was stronger than the one I took. This is Fall's Gifts by Carriage House Samplings. I bought it several years ago while on vacation visitning local cross stitch stores. Look up this pattern, it is amazing.
I bought a really pretty magnet from Puffin & Company. I had to use it now for October. Isn't this cute.
We got to work on a really neat pin cushion from "Just Another Button Company". The best part was we got the ice cream to eat first. Yummy
Since I got home the only project that I have had a chance to work on is Mardi Gras by Laura Perin. I just love working on this one.
Finally, here is the progress update for the "ABC Girl Club". First up is Ellen:
She has gotten her first letter block done. Congrats Ellen.... You are doing Great....
Well, as for Terry or myself we have more work to do to finish up a letter. My pumpkin has not changed since last week and I know Terry is still trying to work on hers. Hopefully we will have better progress updates next month and get a chance to head off Ellen.
Happy Stitching New Blog Buddies.....
1836 Louisa Horsey Sampler Kickstarter Project
I will do a market update soon, but wanted to share with you my new Kickstarter
Campaign to purchase and reproduce the 1836 Louisa Horsey sampler. I fou...
10 years ago
Love your pics!!!! Sorry about the ripping.....watching TV can be dangerous sometimes!!! So glad we got to spend time together this past weekend! Can't wait until our next get together and of course, next year's retreat!!!!
It was a fun weekend and the weather was beautiful.
I think everyone would have fought over your exchange if it would have been there. I love Halloween.
I am now on a hunt for a chart holder, lol
Your WIP's are looking great.
I think I have been blogging all day, lol the most I have did in one day, trying to catch up and post.
Take care!!
Hi Babs, didn't realize you have such a cute nickname. Happy to see a pic of the completed pincushion and of the outdoor decorations. Looking forward to seeing you soon and of course, both you and Terri at next year's retreat!
Didn't know about your blog, either. I'm so glad I found it.
It sure does sound like you girls had lots and lots 'o fun this past weekend :) I'm so happy for you all! I know retreats are a BLAST!
Love all your work ;)
Great pics! It was so nice spending time with you over the weekend. I can't wait until next year:)) Hopefully I'll see you at a Sunday stitch group soon.
Hi Barb! I love your pics and this post! Your Prairie Moon piece looks very cool (mistakes and all)- can't wait to see the finished piece! I am glad I got to meet you and spend time with you at the Retreat- hope you have a good rest of the week!!
hey Barb! it was good fun spending the week-end with you. I wanted to point out a blog of people doing the Prairie Schooler ABCs if you are interested.
see you soon. T
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