It's Saturday,
At the last monthly guild meeting someone brought in a box (a huge box) of old cross stitch magazines that someone was trying to find a happy home for. After going through hundreds of magazines I ran across this 1986 issue of Cross Stitch and Country Crafts Magazine. On the cover was lovely wedding sampler that I could not resist doing. I made a trip last Saturday to my favorite LNS and purchased 25 count dirty linen for this project. The designer called for using three strands of DMC but after starting with that I was not happy with how it was turning out. So, I have changed it to two strands and I think it looks much better.
I have a question though that I need help on. There is a border that runs around the design that calls for using 1/16 silk ribbon and then doing a statin heart over it. I cannot find 1/16th ribbon and was trying to think of something else to use instead. Help??????
Well, today will be a fun day here at home. We have a graduation party to attend and then we have to hurry home for the town parade and festival. The nice thing about living close to the festival is that it makes it easy to run over to the festival each night and buy an elephant ear or ice cream cone
Have a great weekend....